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How Do You 'Birthday' (And Other Things) In A Pandemic, Anyway?

Hi. It's been a minute, huh?

I know I haven't posted in a while, but to be honest there hasn't really been that much to say.

Yes, we are still in COVID times. Yes, it still sucks not being able to do what we all want and see who we want to when we want to. And I bet everyone is as tired and fed up of all it as I am right about now. I know we have to do what we have to do, but I don't think we expected this whole thing to last this long.

My life recently has been pretty tame, much like everyone else's I suppose. I go to work, come home, eat, sleep and repeat. But there have been a couple of exciting things that have been going on over the past couple of months.

I did manage to squeeze a 'Staycation' in with My BFF for her birthday, and it was the best thing EVER this year. I'm aware that when it comes to 2020 the bar is pretty much as low as it can get, but our little getaway was brilliant.

If you'd told me that the words 'Support Bubble' would be in my vocabulary a year ago, I probably would have asked you if you were okay, hun. But they are, and she has been mine. Not just my bubble either. That little lady has been a rock. She's probably the only reason I'm still sane at this point this year to be fair. And again, I am probably not alone in that either. (Thank goodness for Zoom.)

In other Big News, I am moving back out of home! For the first time in my life, I am going to live in a girly pad with My BFF, and the next three weeks cannot go by fast enough for me. It took us a while and we lost out on a fair few places along the way. But we finally saw a place and offered on it and we now have a move date in 2-3 weeks time.

When my last relationship broke down, I lost my home along with it. Everything I own has been locked up in storage since December last year. The original plan was to move back in with my family for a few months to heal and regroup, but then of course, COVID hit and with it, my carefully plotted timeline came to a screeching halt. So now, I have adapted 'The Plan'. I am adaptable. Flexible. Look at me doing 'change' and all that.....

Which brings me neatly to now. This weekend was my birthday. It's not a big milestone birthday, but it is probably one of the strangest ones I have ever had. Milestones are weird in a pandemic aren't they? How do you celebrate them? Can you even celebrate them?

Everything feels a bit unknown and it seems like making plans is pretty much a mahoosive waste of time right now. What is even the point when at any moment, the rules can just change on you? Right before we were due to go on our 'Staycation' the rules around travel were changed. We were lucky to still be able to go. Right before my birthday, the rules on social gatherings changed and extra limits were introduced. It's looking more and likely that right before we move, the rules around households mixing will be tightened even more again too. And I have a sneaking suspicion that these 'circuit breaker' mini-lockdowns will coincide with Halloween and Christmas.

My birthday last year was awful. My relationship was falling to pieces and with it my home was crumbling too. It was uncomfortable, awkward and incredibly hard trying to put on a brave face in front of all my family at the time. This year, with everything else that's been thrown at us so far, I really did manage to have as good of a day as possible but after all the stress of last year I kept it pretty chilled with just my parents, one visit from two family members and a few phone calls to my dad and My BFF, and that was really all I wanted or needed. It was actually really easy to be happy with the little things this year.

For the next few weeks, all I really want is for us to get moved safely and before any more restrictions come into place. I guess the next thing that I will be learning to do is how to move house in a pandemic, too.

Much Love - Hayles

Image Credit: @ylanite (Pexels)

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